
mandag 24. mai 2010

Roger Viver

Roger Viver was no less than a genius. He is most famous for inventing the stiletto heel, and we thank him daily. His shoes have been known as "the Fabergè of footwear" and looking at his design you can see why! He has designed shoes for many celebrities, the most important may have been the shoes for Queen Elizabeth II on her coronation day.
I have totally fallen in love with these unicorn shoes. I love it when haute couture suddenly is wearable. Well, if you´re brave, that is!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Visste ikke du hadde blogg :)
    Selv ville jeg aldri gått med slike sko, men er jo et litt artig konsept.

  2. Hehe, relativt nytt prosjekt fra min side! Koser meg med det, i allefall. Jeg synes skoene er fantastiske, men hvordan de funker i praksis er vel en annen sak! :)
